The institute of Applied Statistics and Computation (IEAC) is an agency of the Faculty of Economic Social Sciences. The fundamental objective of the Institute is the contribution to the development of Statistics within Venezuela:
- The organization completes a realization of studies of statistical class investigation.
- The organization of study for Postgrad Statistics Applied and Computation.
- The publication and dissemination of the results of investigations and any material of interest in the field of Statistics as well as in Computation.
- The collaboration, by way of a service of consultants in themes of teaching and investigation, with members of the University of the Andes and other Universities or Institutes interested in the use of Statistical Analysis.
- The implementation and or creation of systems of computation which facilitate the Statistical Analysis.
The Institute is organized in three sections:
- Section of Postgraduate teaching.
- Section of Investigation.
- Section of Consulting and Extension.
And a Computation Laboratory.
Lines of Research:
* Modeling and Simulation of Social Economics
* Analysis of Statistics Multivariate Data
* Development of Software for Statistics and Simulation
* Design and Construction of Data Base systems
* Design and Estimation of Econometric Models
* Design, Elaboration, Processing and Analysis of Surveys.